This site will be dedicated to all the great 70's/80's punk videos/music from BACK IN THE DAY that we want to share. Please sign up, and send us an email so you too can post all your favorites. Oh, and to comment you just need to register for a gmail account on google. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

CIA Gods Guns Guts ep 1983

C.I.A: God Guts Guns EP (Schmegma Records) 1983
From Connecticut.After this record Kenny the guitar player and singer (Bones) left and formed 76% Uncertain, whos first LP "Estimated Monkey Time" picks up were this EP left off. The rest of the band carried on with a new guitar player and poor LP, obviously missing the former members.

who cares and death
commie control
love and war
no thrills

1 comment:

Bobovdeath said...

your early files arent playing. great blog though. killer MIA stuff. id really like to get that punk int dead it summink in yer underpants album. do you have a link for it if its uploaded anywhere? thanx


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